Grow in Gratitude

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is “Thank you,” that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart

Gratitude is defined as a felt sense of wonder, thankfulness, and appreciation for life.  It is more than simply a pleasant emotion to experience or a polite sentiment to express. It can be a basic disposition that seems to make lives happier, healthier, more fulfilling, and even longer, as supported by psychological research.

  • The practice of gratitude as a spiritual discipline may cure excessive materialism and accompanying negative emotions of envy, regret, resentment, disappointment, bitterness, and other psychological states harmful to long-term happiness.
  • Grateful people experience higher levels of positive emotions – happiness, vitality, optimism, and hope – and a greater satisfaction with life.
  • Grateful people appear to be more socially oriented. The are more empathetic, forgiving, helpful, and supportive than their less-grateful counterparts.
  • When you express genuine gratitude for things both large and small, you shift into a positive space where you experience the joy that comes from appreciating all you already have. It is easy to forget and take those things for granted. Gratitude is a positive magnet that attracts more of the things you want in life. The price is also right. It is a habit you can form beginning today. Remember: you are the one who chooses your thoughts.


19811622_sA spiritual practice for many is, before getting out of bed, to think of three to five things for which they are grateful. It is an excellent way to start the day. You can also write these things in a “gratitude journal” of your own creation or one of many available for purchase. It can be very interesting to look back over the weeks, months and years, and re-read your entries.

I Am Worth It Next Steps:

  1. What three things are you truly and deeply grateful for at this time in your life?
  2. Of the 86,000 seconds available to you each day, how many seconds do you spend saying, “Thank you?”
  3. Reflect on your life-to-date. Who is the one person who is still alive who had a powerful, positive influence in your life? Communicate your gratitude and appreciation to that person this week.
  4. As you reflect upon your strengths and gifts, which three are you the most grateful from this week?


You can cultivate this habit of expressing gratitude for your benefit and also for the benefit of others. You ARE Worth It! 

To find out more about author Louise Griffith, or to purchase her lovely and loving book, You Are Worth It, please visit:


Reprinted from the book You Are Worth It, by internationally recognized speaker, psychologist and success coach, Louise Griffith

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