Mind Training Basics for Resilience Through Difficult Times

Woman meditating on the beach

The following is a guest post by Rev. Pauline Kaplan, MS, LP.

When we encounter difficult passages in our life through divorce, basic mind training can be a welcome refuge. The idea of refuge instantly brings a sense of relief to our soul and hope to our spirit. Modern mystical practices regularly inspire this “refuge” through an inner perspective of training the mind towards acceptance, contentment and peace. We can tune in like a mystic through four key components of mind training basics.

Basic mind training includes mindfulness, positive outlook, resiliency and generosity.


1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an attention-training method that teaches the brain to register anything happening in the present moment with full focus, but without reacting. It is a soft presence, aware and recognizing how things are.


2. Positive Outlook

A positive outlook quietly shifts negative thoughts and attitudes towards life working out for the good of all. The glass is half full—even if we don’t feel positive—our long view holds the heart of life eventually looking up and working itself out. It is much healthier for the body as well.


3. Resiliency

Resiliency is the ability to regain your center after being knocked for a loop. There are many factors that contribute to resiliency and some may thwart resiliency such as abuse and addiction. Staying healthy, lifting the corners of your mouth in a gentle smile and looking upward toward the ceiling with your arms in the air are a few instant mood lifters. Self-care is key to a resilient mind and body.


4. Generosity

Generosity keeps your heart tuned, not just to handling your own circumstances of suffering, but to offer something to another, thus demonstrating a prosperous spirit. Sometimes generosity is more like a martial artist. Getting out of the way of another’s negativity, lack and judgement brings spaciousness to all parties. A natural generosity arising from doing less.


Mind training might be easier than you think by playing with these basic but profound tools of consciousness. A refuge from the waterfall effects of divorce can be yours while you create your future more imbued with positivity, generosity, resiliency and mindful awareness.

(Reference: The Emotional Life of Your Brain-Richard J. Davidson, Ph.D.)

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