Holiday Warning for Divorcing Women

Written by Barb Greenberg, Founder – Rediscovering U

Your Life Wants to Find You. Stop Moving!

For many us, rushing has become a life-style. From the moment the alarm by our bed goes off too early in the morning until we collapse on the sofa late at night worried we won’t have the strength to make it to the bedroom, we don’t stop moving. Some of us turn this into a competition. “Oh you think you’re busy? Well, let me tell you about my day!”

Constant movement works as effectively as any addiction. If you stay busy enough you can avoid your pain, because you just don’t have time to deal with it. And when a painful emotion gets too close, you simply find something more to do.

It’s important you stop moving. You will be shocked to discover your life does not fall apart. In fact, your life may be able to find you if you are still and stay in one place for a few moments. And, what’s wrong with a little falling apart. “Holding-it-together” is over-rated. What falls apart eventually comes back together in a healthier, more brilliant form.

Stopping allows you time to reflect on what you truly value. Your stress level drops, you make better decisions and you can hear your intuition more clearly when it whispers to you.

Best of all, you will have honored, respected, and cherished yourself…a priceless holiday gift.

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