You Might Feel You Lack Control in Your Life Because Your Motivation Isn’t Big Enough

We all have big dreams when we’re kids. Many of us have some dream life we’re trying to create. That’s not true of everyone. Life can be so demanding and hectic that you put off worrying about the things that are important to you. You’ll get to them later or not at all.

This reality exists for many people. Others feel they have no control because they’re not asking enough of themselves.

They are content to get by. This is not the person they always were. They had big dreams and big plans. Then life did what it inevitably does to a lot of us. It got in the way. After years of living an okay but not great life, those dreams and plans don’t seem so realistic.  Has life gotten in your way?

Often, it’s because the current reality doesn’t support the belief that something wonderful can happen. Have you decided to be happy with your “good enough” life rather than fighting for the “life I really want” existence.

Do you feel out of control? Have you begun not to care?  This is sometimes the product of insufficient motivation.

Multiply Your Motivation

Right now, you might feel like you’re working for nothing. Your pending divorce is thrusting you into a financial dilemma.  You don’t put much into the bank at the end of each month. You’ve got a little bit of savings but nothing substantial. You must keep going to work every day to get by.  While you are also struggling with emotional exhaustion due to the divorce, you also know that with time, you will make it through and can build a new life for yourself.

What if you saw your job as something that could get you where you want to go? Instead of using weekly and monthly bills as motivation, you mentally attach your career to some big goal.  What would be your big goal?

You multiply your motivation.

The woman who goes to work to pay the bills doesn’t have much motivation to get promoted and accept new responsibilities or seek a job with more opportunities. The woman whose motivation is to retire in 20 years with a specific lifestyle in mind will look at their job differently.

With added motivation comes control. The more you’re motivated to do, the more responsibility you feel you have. You begin to look for ways that you can control the things you need to make your dream a reality. This doesn’t happen when you have small motivation. Your motivation must be big to erase that out-of-control feeling that small thinking can lead to.  Are you ready to meet the challenge?

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