
The Seasons of Divorce
Check out this wonderful book from Barb Greenberg, Founder – Rediscovering U

Hope Grew Round Me
This memoir of how a daughter’s life-threatening accident planted the seeds of a mother’s self-discovery has much to teach others, including how to find the courage to burst through self-imposed boundaries and step into a new future.
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After the Ball
Whether you find yourself without a prince, without hope, or without direction, this fairytale about what really happened to Cinderella and Snow White can inspire you, for it reveals a universal truth about the power of women transform their lives.
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10 Steps to Rediscover Your SELF
With these 10 steps women who are approaching, experiencing or moving forward from divorce will find hope, healing insights and reassurance that they can indeed rediscover themselves.
eBook Redemption
Boundaries for Your Divorced Self
Author: Ellen Saul
Creating boundaries can be liberating during your divorce.
Rediscover Gratitude
Author: Barb Greenberg
It’s important to recognize gratitude during divorce. Barb shares how to rediscover it along the way.