Laugh Out Loud – Humorous Essay

15807426_s“Women Get Excited About Nothing, and Then They Marry Him.” — Cher, a laugh out loud essay.

When I married my first husband, I thought I was getting a big, strong, man who would be a good mate through life. In the first few years, I discovered he was fearful. He was afraid to buy a house because he could lose his job or the company could close. He was afraid to have a baby because they were so expensive. He was afraid of my returning to college because it would take away from our time together.

He wasn’t afraid to go fishing for a weekend, with his brother. He wasn’t afraid of losing his job when he bought an antique car. He was still afraid our little boy riding a bike, or running on the sidewalk in front of our house.

Soon after that, I became the big, strong mate I thought I needed. It was up to me to find a house, arrange financing, have a baby, arrange for day care, and work my way up the career ladder to eventually earn more than him.

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