Moving Stories

Though I usually only dance in my kitchen when no one is watching, I have been taking a weekly improv dance class for women over 50 called Fine Wine!

With a choreographers showcase coming up, I was asked to be a part of a short piece called Moving Stories with two other women. As we began to create our dance, we felt it was important to have conversations about the stories women carry in their minds, their bodies and their hearts…stories of adventure and mystery, comedy, grief, even romance, and that pesky story of personal growth.

Stories are filled with twists and turns, and the story of your married life has been written with an ending that you never expected, though at some point you may have sensed how it would eventually end.

Today your story may be filled with joy, confusion, grief, or all three feelings jumbled together and overwhelming you. You may be impatient to finish the story you are dealing with at this moment or you may be searching for a new story. And, even if you are not searching, one may unexpectedly appear.

You can’t return your stories to the library, but you can share them with trusted friends and find that you are not alone. Together you may notice that it is often not the story, but what we tell ourselves about the story, that has the power to affect us the most.

It is certain that there are more stories yet to be written that will beckon you, even thrill you, and fill you with gratitude for the gifts they offer. They will lead you on new journeys and deepen your connection to yourself.

As you examine your stories, consider asking yourself these two questions:

  • How do my stories move me and affect how I move in my own life?
  • How will I honor my stories and how can they, or have they, brought me peace?


Barb Greenberg – Founder, Speaker and an award winning author.  Rediscovering U was founded by Barb, a divorce transition expert who excels in educating, empowering and inspiring women to move through divorce and into a new life.

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