Conversation Hearts

​Remember when we were in grade school and Valentine’s parties were something we looked forward to?  The teacher would have each of us make a pretty Valentine box with a slit at the top for your classmates to slide a card into.  And then there was the one boy you had a huge crush on.  You would take extra time making his valentine because you wanted it to be the best.  Adding a candy conversation heart to it that said just the right thing.  U R GR8, U R Cool, U R Sweet or some other saying that conveyed you really liked him, but not too much.  At the party the Valentine cards were slipped into the box as each child went from desk to desk.  You were anxious to get back to your own box to see if that special card was in there. But hesitated to look.  What if his didn’t measure up to your expectations and you were let down? Talk about pressure at a young age!  We relied on that one person to make our day, or back then our whole life!  How easily our heart was crushed if the outcome wasn’t favorable.

We are no longer that age, however we still want acceptance and to be special to someone we really like or love. And our heart can be crushed just the same.

This Valentine’s Day, to honor ourselves and our heart, we need to make ourselves feel special and above all, loved.  I encourage each of you to make your own conversation hearts to convey the right sentiment to yourself, such as: B True 2 Me, I ❤ ME, I M Good 2 Me.  Most importantly, keep the conversation going because girl U Rock!

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